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Monday, January 28, 2008

Malaysian Airlines (Domestic)

Traveling with Malaysian Airlines
(its suppose to be quite good for all the awards that the airline has won)

Traveling domestically in Malaysia has never been a hassle of choices when it comes to airlines. Either pick the no-food-low-budget AirAsia (AA) or the throat-cutting Malaysia Airlines (MAS). It is that simple and yet people often compare how each airline win over the other.

Malaysian Airline has been a choice of mine as I travel around Malaysia (so to speak) – as I never considered AirAsia (only if I was to buy the ticket at the last hour). Obviously, price was the MAIN determinant of my choice of airline and yet I’ve endowed a sum of money to MAS; enough to buy myself 3 sets of PSP to know enough that there isn’t much difference between these two technically speaking.

So a little about the recent flight experience KL-Miri (and I have to admit, it isn’t up to my standards anymore – regardless its due to the deteriorating service or the increase in my standards) but it is still providing a sufficient level of standard to NOT make me feel cheated of my money.

Upon sitting on my allocated seat 7F(window view), I felt there isn’t a difference in the seat width but a slight disparity in the contour of the seat of MAS in comparison to AA. As the sulking and grouchy looking air steward performing on the ways of putting on a seat belt, I glanced over my seat to see the person behind me contentedly digging through the engorged nostrils of his. Maybe there should be a sign stating; EXCAVATING OF NOSE HOLE IS PROHIBITED.

As the plane is up in the air and I was slowly drifting away from the tight and uncomfortable seat of mine, an abrupt announcement was made by the Captain as he sigh throughout the entire announcement about the weather and the altitude we are in, dragging me back to notice that I am still in the plane suffering another ear pressure block. What a timing.

After a few moments of gazing aimlessly into the tight space given, the aroma of tea and coffee mixing in the plane awaken the entire cabin of stingy passengers thirsting for food and drinks.

As Yusniza (the only smiling air stewardess) serves row by row the packaged goods, faces of the passengers changed from eagerness to disappointment as they open up their goodie box and saw what it seems to be;---

3 sandwiches (tuna, egg, cucumber ), a packet of biscuits, a old looking apple, a puny tub of water and cutlery (don’t know for what purpose). I had much better choices in previous flights such as Nasi Rendang or Pasta. But what to do, beggars can’t be choosers right? The orange juice was given upon request.

The apple in the box that had a hole in it... Disappointing...

As I observed how Yusniza chatted with a few passengers, building rapport while serving them, I couldn’t but help to think that Is she really sincerely talking to them or she’s just doing her job? Just something for your mind to wonder for a moment.


(Unless you have to cash/credit card to spend on)

This is NOT how the economy class looks like. I couldnt even find the Economy Class picture online so i have noticed that only the business and first class pictures are available. Liars BUT great marketing strategies.

So people, that was my personal experience with Malaysian Airlines KL-Miri. Before my official ratings, just a few positive points to ponder upon if you DO choose MAS airline,

1. People or in most context taxi drivers will perceive you to be the upper class of the society.

2. You DO NOT have to exhaust your dinner or lunch on climbing stairs or walking to the plane.

3. You DO NOT have to fight for seats as it is allocated to you upon checking in.

4. You actually get free food and drinks (I had 3 orange juices) though the standard of the food is still something you have to stop expecting.

The final rating is;

I will definitely upload if there is an improvement or downgrade in the service.
Please refer to the table at the side for more details on how much each points at the rating means. Thank you. If it is not available yet, pls wait for it within a weeks time. Au Revoir

C0uNtiNg DoWn to the RELEASE of EnF


I'm anticipating the official release of this blog to my friends and the public. I'll make sure for the next few days and maybe even weeks after the date of release, people will be going around saying, have you seen EnF or Entourage and Food Journalist?

The official date of release is;

8th of Feb 2008.

Theme: Potluck and Passport

EnT0uRaGe (The PILOT)

Why the word ENTOURAGE?

Seriously, there’s been countless brain storming, mind twisting that was done to get the perfect blog website title or whatever you people call it…

The list ranges from;
The Little Cottage, Me the Food Critic, Durianz and Travel, Travel and Livin It, Entourage Critics, Food Spams and Way of Life and the list goes on and on…

And yet I finally come to an absolute decision.

The Entourage & Food Journalist.

This might sound uncanny for those who comprehend the meaning of entourage…

A group of attendants or associates; a retinue.
One's environment or surroundings.
[French, from entourer, to surround, from Old French entour, surroundings : en-, in; see
en–1 + tour, circuit; see tour.]

and for those out there who happen to NOT own a dictionary, …

A person who practices journalism, the gathering and dissemination of information about current events, trends, issues and people and in my case; FOOD and TRAVEL (that's why its enTOURage and FOOD journalist)

The word entourage can be broken down to EN-TOUR-AGE which is partially perfect for my case as I am going to spend every drop of my allowance on trips rather than letting it flow down the drain with material items and this year 2008, I’m officially 21 years of age… so i'm ready to surf porn legally or enters the mystery world of casinos that has been a thrist of mine to try it out.

Just to let you know, I am going to be dreadfully honest with the food and the place that I have visited. If the food is good, why not share it with the world and if the food is awful why keep it a secret? So, I apologize for my comments and remarks if it turns out bad but I promise you, you’ll only hear of the truth.

I will be giving tips on certain stuffs as well but just hang on tight while reading this and hopefully you enjoy what you read. Any enquiries or suggestions are welcome at the chatbox.